Last month, we explored what your website says about you in which we identified the effect that color choice can have on the overall message your site delivers. Beyond the look and feel, color can have a great, though subtle, effect on the success of your site. As part of our discovery phase when taking on a new Internet property at Netsville, we explore this particular arena, many times taking a look at what a client’s competition is doing as a useful gauge of success and to help determine effective plays to compete. When observing color selection during our research, distinct likenesses between sites become more discernible. If we take a look at the color schemes of the most popular Internet sites available, a surprising number of similarities starts becoming apparent as noted in the infographic by Snap Agency below:
Source: Snap Agency
Based in Rochester, New York, Netsville is an Internet Property Management company specializing in managing the Digital Marketing, Technical, and Business Solutions for our customers since 1994. For more information, please click here.