Google is building more transparency into the political ads and advertisers running campaigns on its ad networks. After updating its political ad policies in May — enforcing new ID requirements for anyone purchasing political ads — the company is now sharing its first transparency report focusing solely on political ads, as well as a political ad library.
Google first announced it would be releasing a public political ad transparency report and library of political ads that have been verified three months ago, and made them available Wednesday.
Google’s political ad transparency report
The political ad transparency report includes a breakdown of money spent on political ads by state and by Congressional district and a list of the top political advertisers based on how much they are spending on Google ad campaigns.
Google political advertising transparency report: Ad spend by state
There is also a table highlighting the most popular keywords used by political advertisers, based on ad spend for each keyword or phrase.
“This data shows the keywords advertisers have spent the most money on for political ads during the current U.S. election cycle from May 31st, 2018 onwards,” writes Michee Smith, the product lead for Google transparency reports.
Google political advertising transparency report: Keywords
Google says the report data will be updated weekly leading up to the US midterm elections in November and can be downloaded.
Google’s political ad library
The political ad library is a searchable archive of political ads appearing on Google’s ad networks going back to May 31, 2018. Queries can be filtered to find ads that ran during a specific date range, the amount spent on the ad’s campaign, impressions or the type of ad (image, video, text).
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